Got questions?

we’ve got answers

  • What is acupuncture and how does it work?

    Acupuncture is a facet of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been practiced for over 3,500 years. It involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into the body at specific points. The micro-trauma created activates the body’s innate healing mechanism through stimulation of the immune system and the promotion of circulation. Acupuncture reduces inflammation and pain, stimulates endorphin release, regulates hormones and works with the nervous system to bring the body from the sympathetic, “fight or flight” state, to the parasympathetic, “rest and digest” state. In this state, the body is given the opportunity to heal.

    From an Eastern and more mystical perspective, acupuncture works with the life force, or the Qi of the body. Any and all symptoms are viewed as reflective of an imbalance with the body’s Qi flow throughout its meridians. Acupuncture is used to rebalance the energy flow and re-establish harmony.

  • What is facial acupuncture?

    Facial, or cosmetic acupuncture can delay the signs of aging, soften deep wrinkles, and erase fine lines. It improves muscle tone and skin elasticity, treats skin disorders, and enhances the skin’s overall appearance. It is a wonderful alternative to more invasive treatments that can be costly and come with additional risks. Just like body acupuncture, facial acupuncture uses the body’s innate healing mechanisms to improve the appearance of the skin and promote graceful aging. The first study of facial acupuncture conducted in China and assessed 300 cases showed 90% of study participants had marked effects with one course of 10 treatments” (Zhang, Q. 1996).

    Facial acupuncture treatments include body acupuncture in addition to facial acupuncture in order to approach the health and vitally of the skin from an internal perspective as well. This helps to boost overall health, so beauty can be realized from the inside-out. Often improvements in sleep, energy, digestion and stress management can be a “side-effect” of these facial rejuvenation treatments. Ancillary techniques such as Gua Sha and facial cupping are included in each session to further promote lymph and blood flow.

    Though many report noticing a difference after just one treatment, a series of 10-12 treatments is recommended for best results. Treatments are generally once or twice a week. Afterwards, monthly maintenance is highly recommended.

  • What is reiki?

    Reiki is a form of energy medicine originating from Japan. It is a gentle, hands on healing technique in which healing universal energy flows through the hands of the practitioner to promote healing and relaxation in the receiver. Reiki is beneficial for physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Sessions are 60 to 90 minutes, and the receiver relaxes on a massage table fully clothed during the session. Sessions are incredibly relaxing and meditative. I described it as acupuncture without the needles!

  • Does acupuncture hurt?

    Acupuncture is incredibly relaxing and meditative. Many people fall asleep during their treatments! While you may feel the insertion of the needle at times, it should dissipate quickly and points can always be adjusted to ensure that you are comfortable. When the body’s Qi is activated at the chosen points, it may feel heavy, warm, or like there is movement in the area- all of these sensations are normal. Following your session, you will feel more centered and rested.

  • What kind of conditions does acupuncture treat?

    As Chinese medicine is a comprehensive medical system, it treats many issues successfully. Acupuncture is most notably used for the treatment of pain, arthritis, headaches and fertility. My specialties include treating digestive issues, women’s health issues, musculoskeletal issues and promoting mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

  • How many acupuncture sessions will I need?

    Each patient is different, and as such, each treatment plan is different. Generally, however, it is recommend to come in twice a week initially to generate forward momentum and to prevent regression. Once we have seen improvement, treatments can be spaced to weekly, then bi-weekly, then monthly. A typical course of treatment is 8-12 treatments. After that, we recommend monthly maintenance treatments to keep your Qi flowing smoothly!

  • How can I prepare for my treatment?

    You can prepare for your treatment by eating a light meal 1-2 hours beforehand and wearing loose fitting clothes to your appointment so we can access the acupuncture points. It is also recommended to avoid any strenuous activity before and after treatment as you will be feeling very relaxed!